Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Roaming internet.

Well seens how i'm currently on holiday in turkey i thought it was appropriate to write about how i am accessing the internet.
Well the hotel has no pay to use computers and the internet cafes are quite a while away. Fortunatly the laptop i am using has a mobile internet card built in. Which is capable of GPRS, EDGE and what not, even 3G. But with Turkey being a little more slower in the tech space there is little 3G if any i know about, that being said i am currently pulling a stron edge signal at around 237kbs which is perfectly acceptable for browsing on the move.

So the killer question, would i buy it? Well yes, if i had the money. Currently the card is being paid for by the company my dad works for so i have no idea how much it costs. But were it a reasonable cost i would snatch one up in an instant, it it comforting to a tech head like me that the internet is availiable where i want it.

Plus on a related note, the dell latitude d430 is a great laptop, using a 9 cell battery and dual core ultra low voltage cpu it is fast and will last a good 6 hours plus.


Thursday, 16 July 2009

Testing my link to facebook

Yup sorry just a useless post to check the linkage.


Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Link This Blog To People...Please

Right ok so heres the thing, i have a fair few readers, but not as many as i'd like.
Sooo that being said, i'm doing my best to keep the amount of posts helpful and frequent.
And i'd like you (the reader) to help me out, if you know anyone you think would be remotely interested in having a gander at this blog, send them the link:

Cheers for your help!


Google launching a OS

Chrome OS is to be launched which as far as i can figure runs on top of a linux build and programs are launched from Chrome, i have my doubts as to wether it will make a dent on current OS's but im no time traveller so i may be wrong.

Theres not a great deal of info about it at the moment so if i get anything interesting i'll be sure to post it.


Friday, 3 July 2009

Test your interwebs,internet, world wide web, that computer thing speed

Yeah right people lets challenge our ISP (internet service providers) to give us all decent internet connection speeds, and if you think you are getting less than what you are paying for, ring them, email them, firebomb them. Well er maybe not the last one. But if more people complain our internet speed should improve. So test and find out!

Test your Internet connection speed at


Thursday, 2 July 2009

Possible foray into the netbook market.

Yup you heard it folks i may be purchasing a asus eeepc 900 from my friend. Now unlike the majority of netbooks out at the moment that have a 1.6 or 1.66 GHZ atom pc this one has a 900MHZ celeron M CPU which is actually slightly slower as the atom has hyperthreading, although without this they would be much more closely matched, but there not that far off. This one has a 16GB SSD i beleive and 1GB ram and Xp running the show, if i do end up getting it tomorow i shall post a reveiw as to the pros and cons and if there worth it.

Until tomorow, maybe.


Have not got it yet, maybe tomorow? Fryjak im looking at you!
