I know for a fact that before i begin, that me saying this will make not one tiny bit of difference however these things have been really bugging me as of late.
The Zune media player, why the **** is it not in the UK? why? its actually insane, the new ones at the moment look really good and as im in the market for a media player, would probably buy one but no its America only. Guess i'll get another Ipod then eh?
My Windows Mobile phone is also really bugging me at the moment. The lack of physical keyboard is starting to irratate me and i miss being able to press keys and not make mistakes, and to top it off it's decided that it will no longer connect to WIFI so i am going to have to flash it again (yeah not the first time it has broke) So i also want to buy a new phone, thinking the new Iphone to be released later this year? or something with an actual keyboard, havent made up my mind yet.
Apple fanboys, im quite a fan of Engadget but the ammout of commenters on there who must actually make love to there apple products is insane and a little creepy.
And vista haters, that also bothers me, there is NOTHING wrong with vista on decent hardware!
So er yeah, just a little rant from me, sorry about that just things that need to be said.
I will at some point write a more constructive artical soon-I promise.
Oh and one last thing, i would quite like to know how many people read my blog so if you'd like to leave a comment, that would be nice.
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